Projekt SIDA rozpoczął się w lutym 2020 i był realizowany do października 2022. Realizacja projektu SIDA 2.0 rozpoczęła się w grudniu 2022 i potrwa do końca roku 2023. Beneficjentem projektu jest Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Związków Zawodowych wraz ze swoimi strategicznymi partnerami.

Spotkanie inaugurujące projekt SIDA

Spotkanie inaugurujące projekt SIDA

Program spotkania inaugurującego projekt „SIDA – Sustainable, Inclusive and Decent Work for All”

SIDA – Sustainable, Inclusive and Decent Work for All

Launch Event (on-line)

16 September 2020



  1. All applicant, co-applicant organizations and partner organizations were represented at the meeting (agenda is enclosed)
  2. The representant of the applicant organization (OPZZ) welcomed all participants and introduced to the project reminding the idea, aims and expected results.
  3. Next, there was a round of all partners presentations including their expectations related to the project.
  4. Next, the LO’s expert The Nordic Model, the role of social partners in implementation of the Decent Work Agenda with its relation to the trade union activities addressing migrant workers. There was a discussion afterwards
  5. After the break, the representant of the applicant organization (OPZZ) presented the organizational issues with detailed presentation of the project, including:
  • COVID-19 influence and – related to it - revised timetable
  • Role of partners within the project
  • Events: a study visit in Norway and workshops in Poland
  • Manual “Trade unions and migration. Tips and tools to develop a decent work for all”
  • The OPZZ Decent Work and Migration Policy Adviser and the Migration Policy Strategy for Poland
  • OPZZ Decent Work Consultant
  • Implementation seminars – Manual’s promotion
  1. A special attention was given to the planned study visit in Norway. The LO expert expressed that, due to internal rules related to COVID-19, it is impossible to welcome any international delegation until the end of 2020. Thus, all partners decided to organize an extraordinary on-line meeting on 7th October 2020 to discuss and to develop the procedures of the on-line information exchange to fulfil requirements of the study visit and to give opportunity to proceed to the next (national) phases of the project. Nevertheless, all partners agreed that, if the pandemic situation changes (but not before the beginning of 2021), they will back to the idea of study visit in Norway, taking into account the logistic and budgetary framework. 
  2. The representant of the applicant organization (OPZZ) presented the Communication Plan, including
  • Role of communication manager
  • Internal and external communication
  • Communication and dissemination tools

Pliki do pobrania

Spotkanie inaugurujące projekt SIDA


Curabitur vel finibus lorem.


Nullam placerat justo pharetra purus porta, sit amet consequat libero tristique


Pellentesque eu faucibus augue


Aliquam varius lacus quis lectus malesuada, eu vestibulum arcu ultricies


Aenean vitae blandit est


Duis lorem lorem, lacinia a elit at, facilisis condimentum leo


SIDA – Sustainable, Inclusive and Decent Work for All (zrównoważona, inkluzywna, i godna praca dla wszystkich)

Chcemy, aby godna praca była dla wszystkich!


Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie
Zwiazków Zawodowych

ul. Kopernika 36/40
00-924 Warszawa

T: +48 22 551 55 00